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Buy spare parts or request a repair?

You can find a technician (or sales, local dealer), if you don’t have the contact number for specific personnel of the company, please submit a ticket with the request information on our website.

How to deal with no power, no laser emission, insufficient emission, and alarms?

Machine operation problems can be dealt with by our engineers, if you don’t have the contact number for specific personnel of the company, please submit a ticket with the requested information on our website. You can also contact the company's sales or local dealers for help.

There is no price for a certain model of equipment?

Models are selected and customized according to the needs requested by our clients individually, thus the price of the system is not always listed. Please contact our sales on our website, while you can also consult sales or local dealers. Please leave your contact information and requests for quotations and more details.

Will it be a sample from dealers for inspection and testing?

You can submit a request ticket on our website, or consult sales or local dealers. Please leave contact information, and our staff will arrange a proper solution for your needs.

If you want to buy laser equipment, call our sales?

You can submit a request ticket on our website, or consult sales or local dealers. Please leave contact information, and our staff will arrange a proper solution for your needs.

I have other questions, how can I contact you?

You can check the various contacts of Kelei Laser through "Contact Us" at the bottom of the official website.